

Reciting Article:

Unit10, Book3


City Life

The biggest American cities are Los Angeles and New York . Los Angeles is well-known for Hollywood and its nearby beaches. New York has world-class restaurants, museums and concert halls.

Sometimes it seems as if American cities go on forever, with suburbs stretching for miles and miles. This is a situation known as ‘urban sprawl’. Government leaders are trying to work on ways to keep urban sprawl from spreading. The hope is that farmland and natural areas will be preserved by limiting urban sprawl.


Accident                  pedestrian

Ambulance                reservoir

Car pool                  residential district

City dump                sewer 

Commute                 siren

Curb                    skyscraper 

Grid                    slum

Gutter                   street vendor

High rise                 suburb

Honk the horn             telecommute

Incinerator                tow

Intersection               urban planning

Municipal government       trash