

Reciting article:

Traveling In America --Unit 3, Book 3


By reserving bus or train tickets in advance, you can get a significant discount. Amtrak, the largest train company, offers special packages for visiting different regions of the country, going across the country, or traveling to a number of different cities.


To get help of any kind in a city or town, feel free to ask a police officer. They’re very 

friendly and willing to give directions, assist you if you’re lost, or even help you cross the street. If you’ve a serious problem, and there are no officers around, dial 911 at any phone. Emergency services respond very quickly.


To rent a car, you’ll need a major credit card. Many cards provide free automobile insurance. That can save a lot of money when renting a car. On the road, you’re required to wear your seat belt. And, drive carefully! Police officers, on highways, city streets and everywhere else, give tickets for any traffic violation they see. There are also cameras, placed on street poles and lamps, which photograph cars which speed or go through red lights.