

Reciting article: European History

Unit 18 Book 3


European history has long been connected to America 's. Europeans began colonizing eastern America more than three hundred years ago. Even after America became independent from England , the new country maintained very close contacts with Europe . In fact, the Louisiana Purchase , one of the biggest land deals of all time, was conducted between Thomas Jefferson and Napoleon Bonaparte. According to the deal, a huge area of land, in what is now the central and southern regions of the USA , was bought from France by America .


In recent years, the relationship between America and Europe has been crucial in the development of world economics and politics. America played an important role in the two World Wars. It is a member of NATO and a permanent member of the UN security council. America has particularly close ties to England , which is one of the USA ’s most important allies. Furthermore, U.S. diplomats regularly assist in the resolution of European conflicts. For instance, President Clinton publicly supported reaching a permanent peace deal in Northern Ireland . Ambassadors from America were also important in helping to bring peace to Yugoslavia .