

Today is the first time for the English reading class this semester.

Reciting article is "Sports" in book 2, unit 11  


Baseball is known as America's 'favorite pastime', professional baseball leagues have been around for more than one hundred years. Now, the Major Leagues include the teams from almost every large American city. One ancient baseball trandition is yelling at the umpire, if you go to a game, don't be surprised to hear all kinds of things yelled at him. Another tradition is the "7th inning stretch" Fans stand up and sing " Take me out to the ballgame"


In the last ten years, many sports have had their images affected by strikes. There have been strikes and shortened season in baseball, basketball and football. Although the fans are disappointed when players refuse to play, they eventually go back to watching the sports. Baseball, for example, was badly affected by a strike in the mid-1990's, yet with the incredible  1998-1999 season, which saw Mark McGwire hit 70 home runs. baseball won back its fans, both old and new.


During football season, Sunday becomes football day. Millions of Americans watch their favorite teams play on TV. Friends get together to eat, throw the football around, and watch the game of the week on television.






and vocabulary unit 29, unit 30 in book 1. (Art & The future)